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RL Pash Reserve (cnr Collins St and D’Erlanger Ave, Collinswood) is a 2,476 sqm park located adjacent to the Nailsworth Hall and Maker’s Space. (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Location of RL Pash Reserve from Open Space Strategy
Recently, the State Government’s Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) offered grant funding of $250,000 to Council through the Community Infrastructure Grants Program, for the upgrade (facilities, equipment, and infrastructure) of RL Pash Reserve in Collinswood. The grant offer was established following an election promise in consultation with members of the local community through Lucy Hood, Member of Parliament.
Due to the conditions and deadline of the grant funding offered, Council resolved to undertake the planning and design of the park in the 2022/23 financial year.
It will be funded through the State Government’s Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) grant funding of $250,000, as well as possible funding from Council for the 2023/24 financial year (pending approval of the Annual Business Plan and Budget 2023-24).
Any park furniture, pathways and services that are worthy of retention and have not reached their end-of-life will be retained. Existing trees that are healthy and don’t meet Council’s strict criteria for removal, will be retained. Some garden beds and vegetation will be retained, depending on community feedback and the new design of the park. Other feedback from this community consultation may also inform what will be retained.
The fitness equipment has reached its end-of-life and will be removed. Any other park furniture and play equipment that has reached its end of life will be removed. Some vegetation (not trees) may be removed.
Park furniture and equipment is recycled where possible, including stripping various components for recycling where appropriate.
Any trees that are dead or dying and meet Council’s strict removal criteria will be removed. All other trees will be retained.
The scope of the grant funding offered by the State Government includes the provision of a new activity space for older children (eg. half-court basketball) and update accessibility and inclusivity equipment for younger children. In addition, the fitness equipment will be upgraded away from the road.
Other features of the park will be able to cater for all other age groups, depending on the feedback from the community consultation.
The consultation will influence the various components that will be installed as part of the upgrade, based on the way the community uses the space (eg. more lawn area, or more park furniture, or improved safety, etc).
No, the Nailsworth Hall and carpark are not included in the scope for the upgrade.
The feedback from round 1 was summarised in an Engagement Report for Council and informed the draft concept plan. Feedback from round 2 will again be summarised in an Engagement Report for Council and will inform the concept plan for the Reserve, in consultation with the Government of South Australia.
The upgrade will occur in the 2023/24 Financial Year.
The grant funding allocation from the State Government is $250,000. In addition, Council have allocated funds in the Annual Business Plan for the 2023/24 Financial Year, pending approval of the budget. The final allocation of the funds will influence the design of the reserve and what we will be able to install. Council’s Open Space Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan will also influence the budget allocation.
Round 1 consultation was undertaken in late 2022 to understand the current use of the park and what the community would like to see as part of the upgrade. This feedback helped inform the draft concept plan.
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of the Adelaide Plains region, and we pay our respect to Elders past and present.
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationships with the land
and we acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
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