March 2022
The Government of South Australia confirmed a commitment for funding towards the upgrade of RL Pash Reserve.
March 2022
The Government of South Australia confirmed a commitment for funding towards the upgrade of RL Pash Reserve.
Monday 24 October to Sunday 20 November 2022
Round 1 community consultation on what the community would like to see as part of the upgrade at RL Pash Reserve.
January - February 2023
Council Workshop to discuss the outcomes of the Round 1 community consultation and suggestions to prepare a draft concept plan. Consult specifically with key stakeholders including the grant funding body.
January - March 2023
Develop a draft concept plan based on the Round 1 consultation and feedback from the Council Workshop
March 2023
Council endorsement on the draft concept plan to go to Round 2 community consultation.
April - June 2023
Round 2 community consultation on the draft concept plan to ensure it meets community expectations.
July 2023
Finalise the draft concept plan from feedback gathered from the Round 2 consultation and seek Council endorsement to proceed to the documentation and construction phases.