Register to Have Your Say

City of Prospect is committed to meaningful conversations with our Community. We have established this engagement platform for you to learn more about our current consultations and to participate on significant matters impacting our City.

Please complete a one-time registration so you can participate fully in these consultations.

To ensure we are hearing from residents from across our City, use the below Ward Map to determine which Ward you belong to. Click on the Map to view a larger version and for a full street list.

If you want to see the list of Council Members and their details, click here.

Thank you for you for getting involved in your Community!


1 - North Ward
2 - West Ward
3- Central Ward
4- East Ward

Password strength requirements: minimum 8 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character. Special characters include ! @ # $ % ^ & * .
(Please check this box if you wish to display your screen name instead of your full name on your published comments and contributions.)