Strategic Community Plan


The Strategic Community Plan will be Council’s key strategic planning document that sets out its vision and objectives for the next four to ten years, setting a desired future for the community, as well as the City of Prospect’s goals and priorities. 

Council is required by the Local Government Act 1999 to regularly review and renew its Strategic Plan/Community Plan within two years of each election cycle, setting the direction for Council activities.

The Strategic Community Plan is an important plan that has an impact on everyone. We would like to engage in multiple conversations with as many people in the community, so that we can identify the vision for what the future City could look like over the next four (4) to ten (10) years.

Community consultation will be conducted over three phases, as outlined in the 'Timeline'. When consultation is open, we will update the 'Latest News' section to inform everyone of the opportunities to particpate.

Your priorities, suggestions, concerns and comments will be provided to Council for their consideration and will help to refine the Strategic Community Plan towards completion.