Prospect Lifestyle Precinct

Project overview

Phase 2 Consultation is now open.

All your feedback has helped inform draft masterplan options for Prospect Lifestyle Precinct and we can't wait to hear what you think!

Phase 2 consultation is now open- share your thoughts!

Council is developing the Prospect Lifestyle Precinct (PLP) Masterplan, one of Council's Top 4 Priorities in our 2023-2027 Strategic Community Plan, as well as a key part of Council’s Advocacy Priorities.

Where are we in the master planning process?

Since adopting the PLP Masterplan roadmap in April 2024, Council has completed Phase 1 consultation, formed the Facilities User Group and Community Reference Group, reviewed initial site investigations, and endorsed four draft master planning options for consultation.

We're now in the second phase of consultation, where you can review these options, shaped by your feedback from Phase 1 (July-August 2024) and Council's independent investigations.

Phase 2 consultation

In Phase 2, we're seeking your feedback on the draft master planning options and elements. These elements are interchangeable, meaning they can be adjusted to align with our community's preferences. This is your chance to influence how the masterplan will evolve, so we encourage you to get involved and let us know what matters most to you! To view the options and leave a comment, please log in or register for Engagement Hub.

Join the conversation and share your thoughts with us!

Phase 2 consultation closes Friday 28 March.

Our commitment to transparency

Council is committed to facilitating an open and transparent process throughout each phase of the Prospect Lifestyle Precinct Masterplan project.

All advisory group meetings, Council Workshops and Ordinary Council Meetings have been undertaken in the public domain. Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend and observe. We encourage you to attend a future session should you be interested.

Further information on Council Workshops and Meetings can be found on our website at

How to have your say

Comment on the draft masterplan options below
Use our interactive display of each option to react or leave comments on the various masterplan elements

Quick poll
Short on time? Provide your thoughts in under 60 seconds.

In-person events
There are multiple opportunities to view the draft masterplan options, speak with the project team, visit the site and share your thoughts. Activities include:

  • Community workshops (RSVP required)
  • Walking tours (RSVP required)
  • Drop-in sessions
  • Pop-up events

To download a copy of the full consultation program, click here.
For further information and to book your spot, please visit Eventbrite.

Talk to your local Elected Member
Share your ideas with your local Elected Member

Written submissions

  • Using the Contact Us box on this page
  • Email to
  • Mail to PO Box 171, Prospect 5082

Visit us
Visit Payinthi (128 Prospect Road, Prospect) to view the draft masterplan options any time

Masterplan options

Masterplan layout option 1
Masterplan layout option 2
Masterplan layout option 3
Masterplan layout option 4