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$69.88M = Total forecast over 10 years (what the asset management plan says we have)
$63.80M = Total Budget over 10 years (what the Long-Term Financial Plan says we have)
$0.59M = average annual shortfall (91% of required funds available)
Reasons for shortfall include:
Roads (89km)
Open Space (parks and reserves)
Total Replacement value = $246.6M
The key infrastructure assets of the City of Prospect's asset management plans include:
A shortfall of more than $600,000 per year in provisioning for renewal of roads, kerbs, footpaths, open spaces and buildings has been identified by these plans, which were modelled in mid-2021.
Since then, Council has fully provisioned this identified asset management shortfall through its Long Term Financial Plan. A further shortfall in stormwater renewal has also been identified, which is a challenge shared with many other Councils across Australia.
Council recently received a generous grant from the Federal Government to support a significant increase in stormwater outflow capacity in the area around the Churchill Road and Regency Road intersection, but significant further expenditure will be required to meet this challenge and it is expected that further grant funding will be required from both the State and Federal Governments to support future works in this area, which have been estimated at around $25m-$30m in quantum.
All Councils have limited finances. As such asset management plans will manage existing assets and carefully consider when upgrades or new assets need to be created to meet new demands.
Council carefully plans how to provide and manage assets into the future considering how its area and the demands on it may change. The asset management plan consider factors such as:
Asset management plans are a requirement of the Local Government Act, they:
Asset management plans are for a 10-year period and are linked to a Long-Term Financial Plan to ensure that the management of assets is financially sustainable.
Beyond the legislative requirement, in our growing city there is a clear need for a planned, systematic approach towards key infrastructure asset maintenance, upgrade and associated service delivery to ensure that we allocate limited resources to areas of greatest need. The aim is to consider community needs and appetites, in line with the available budget and Council’s long-term strategic priorities.
An asset management plan (AMP) is a comprehensive document that outlines how Council will operate, maintain, renew and dispose of its existing assets together with providing for new assets to ensure that:
The City of Prospect defines an asset as a physical resource owned or under the care, control and management of Council that contributes to the community's needs for access to major economic and social facilities.
All feedback will be collated and analysed by the project team, which will help finalise the documents.
The final asset management plans will be submitted to Council in May 2023 for consideration of. Once the plans have been endorsed, they will be published on our website.
As a part of the finalisation of the documents, an extensive improvement program has been developed that will see resources focused between now and the next review of plans. This includes:
There are several ways in which you can provide feedback:
This consultation is about ensuring the community can provide feedback to help inform the finalisation of our asset management plans.
We understand that the only way we can effectively manage our assets is by partnering with the ultimate users of our infrastructure and services – our community.
We are committed to remaining attuned to community views, aiming to understand and act on local sentiment and deliver better, more sustainable outcomes, for generations to come.
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Phone: 8269 5355
City of Prospect acknowledges that we are on the traditional country of the Kaurna people
of the Adelaide Plains region, and we pay our respect to Elders past and present.
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationships with the land
and we acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
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