8 February 2022
Consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
All feedback received was compiled and included in a report presented and endorsed by Council on 23 May 2023. You can find a copy of the report on the left side of the Document Library under "Council Reports and Minutes."
Please note, it was identified that there was incorrect information within the individual Draft Asset Management Plans. Due to this administrative error, we updated the plans and conducted community consultation from 3 April to 12 May 2023.
City of Prospect is a rapidly evolving city and own a diverse asset portfolio. Our assets include buildings, footpaths, open spaces (parks and reserves), roads and stormwater infrastructure.
To meet demands and ensure that our assets are financially sustainable and service the needs of our community, we have reviewed our suite of asset management plans and have developed a draft Asset Management Plan Summary for your feedback.
The draft Asset Management Plan Summary outlines how Council will operate, maintain, renew and dispose of its assets (existing and future) for a 10-year period (2021 to 2031), which includes the combined financial implications from the individual plans together with key issues. It considers challenges we currently face, and those in the future including population growth, demographic change, urbanisation, legislative requirements, climate change and changes in our community’s needs and aspirations.
Feedback received helped to finalise the asset management plans, and future annual budgets accordingly.
A copy of the draft Asset Management Plan Summary and Draft Technical Asset Management Plans are provided in the Document Library on the right of this page.
Have Your Say
There were multiple options to share your thoughts:
- Survey via this webpage (now closed)
- Written submissions:
- Via the “Written Submissions” section on the right of this page
- Email to admin@prospect.sa.gov.au
- Post to City of Prospect, PO Box 171, Prospect SA 5082
- Hand deliver to Payinthi, 128 Prospect Road, Prospect.