Percy Street Reserve Upgrade

Project Overview

The Percy Street Reserve upgrade is complete, marking a significant milestone for our community.

To stay updated on the progress of this project, please check Council's website here.

Consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

The final concept plan was endorsed by Council in January 2023, and construction commenced late 2023.

The outcomes of this consultation can be found in the Document Library on the right side of the page.

To stay updated on thisproject, please check Council's website here.

Percy Street Reserve, located at 65 Percy Street, Prospect, was scheduled for an upgrade as detailed in Council’s Open Space Strategy.

In preparation for the redevelopment, Council conducted an initial community consultation (Round 1) during October - November 2021, to obtain background information on how the park was being used by our community and what they would like to see included in the upgrade. Feedback received from this consultation was provided in the 22 March 2022 Council Report, located in the Document Library on the right of this page.

Following the initial Round 1 consultation, a draft concept plan was developed for the reserve upgrade and we sought community feedback on the draft plan during July - August 2022. The draft concept plan was prepared based on feedback from the previous Round 1 consultation and Council workshops. You can view the draft concept plan and perspectivein the “Document Library” to the right of this page.

Feedback gathered from the Round 2 consultation was used to finalise the draft concept plan presented to Council for endorsement to proceed to the next stage (documentation and construction).

  • Construction

    November 2023 - March 2024

    Construction of the upgrade.

  • Open Space Strategy Consultation

    March 2018

    Initial consultation undertaken to determine the community’s level of support for the Open Space Strategy and any feedback they have.

  • Round 1 Upgrade Consultation

    28 October - 21 November 2021

    Consultation on what the community would like to see as part of the upgrade at Percy Street Reserve.

  • Council Workshop

    1 February 2022

    Council Workshop to discuss the outcomes of the Round 1 community consultation and suggestions to prepare a draft concept plan.

  • Development of Draft Concept Plan

    February/March 2022

    Preparation of a draft concept plan that reflects feedback from the Round 1 community consultation and Council Workshop.

  • Endorsement of Draft Concept Plan

    22 March 2022

    Council endorsement of the draft concept plan for community consultation. 

  • Round 2 Upgrade Consultation

    July - August 2022

    Round 2 community consultation on the draft concept plan to refine the plan and ensure it meets community expectations.  

  • Final Endorsement

    January 2023

    Finalise the draft concept plan from feedback gathered from the Round 2 consultation and seek Council endorsement to proceed to documentation and construction.