Peppermint Gums Reserve Upgrade

Project Overview

Consultation is now closed.

Most recently, Council sought feedback from the community regarding the inclusion of a toilet block in the reserve and possible locations, which will be included as part of the proposed broader upgrades.

Council has now conducted three rounds of community consultation for this project; October - November 2021, October-November 2022 and June 2024, to gather your input on what you’d like to see included in the reserve upgrade including a possible toilet, and to seek your support for the draft concept plan.

We were excited to receive general support from the community for the draft plan. The new flying fox and updated entrances to the park were the most supported items, followed by a pump track, new shelter and BBQ area, a fitness area and improvements to the nature play area. Including a possible toilet block also met with majority support from our community.

Elected Member endorsement

In the August Council Meeting the Elected Members voted on the addition of a small toilet block as part of the broader reserve upgrade. There was a majority in favour of adding the toilet block. For more details, please refer to the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting - Tuesday 27 August 2024 in the document library on the righthand side of this page.

Currently this project is scheduled for construction in the 2025-2026 financial year, subject to funding.

Council acknowledges that the timing of this particular project has taken longer than is typical, due to other Council priorities.

Consultation has closed and your feedback directly influenced the recommendation made to the Elected Members at theAugust Council Meeting. Thank you.

  • Consultation regarding potential toilet addition

    June 2024

    Council sought feedback regarding the potential additional of a small toilet block as part of the broader upgrade.

  • Open Space Strategy Consultation

    March 2018

    Initial consultation undertaken to determine the community’s level of support for the Open Space Strategy and any feedback they have.

  • Round 1 Upgrade Consultation

    28 October - 21 November 2021

    Round 1 consultation on what the community would like to see as part of the upgrade at Peppermint Gums Reserve.

  • Council Workshops

    1 February and 5 April 2022

    Council Workshops to discuss the outcomes of the Round 1 community consultation and suggestions to prepare a draft concept plan.

  • Development of Draft Concept Plan

    February - April 2022

    Preparation of a draft concept plan that reflects feedback from the Round 1 community consultation and Council Workshops.

  • Endorsement of Draft Concept Plan

    26 April 2022

    Council endorsement of the draft concept plan for community consultation (Round 2).

  • Round 2 Upgrade Consultation

    Monday 24 October - Sunday 20 November 2022

    Round 2 community consultation on the draft concept plan to refine the plan and ensure it meets community expectations.  

  • Council Workshop and Budget

    January 2024

    Finalise the draft concept plan by incorporating the feedback gathered during the Round 2 consultation. Compile the findings and deliver a presentation to the Council, engaging in a discussion regarding the scope and budget.

  • Final Endorsement

    March 2024
    Seek endorsement from the Council to advance towards the documentation phase.

  • Pursuing Grant Funding Opportunities

    July 2025 - June 2026

    Pursue various grant funding opportunities to facilitate the successful implementation of the upgrade. The future budget for construction may be considered in the draft budget for the City of Prospect for the 2025/2026 financial year.