Livingstone Avenue Upgrade

Project overview

Consultation is now closed for the Livingstone Avenue Upgrade. We thank you for sharing your valuable feedback.

The Livingstone Avenue Upgrade has been an active Council project for several years and after some false starts we are on track with work scheduled from mid-2024 until early 2025.

The street faces significant issues, including a lack of a stormwater infrastructure (resulting in water pooling during heavy rain), roads and kerbs in poor condition.

The total project is estimated to cost $4m; $1.15m of this cost will be funded via a State Government Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program (LGIPP) grant, with the remaining $2.85m to be funded by Council.

As part of the works, there will be significant service relocation and alteration works onsite. Council has been liaising with service authorities, such as SA Water amongst others, and this work will be undertaken in the first half of 2024, before the main contractor commences work onsite.

Sometimes street upgrades are highly complex, leaving no opportunities for changes in design, and Livingstone Avenue is no exception. Due to the many services required, existing site conditions and priorities with the roadway, City of Prospect was unable to take community suggestions for alterations in the design at this time. We remain committed to keep you informed and up-to-date every step of the way and we thank you for your feedback during the consultation process.

We are now compiling all feedback and will send a consultation report to Council for their consideration.

Please feel free to check this page from time to time for updates - the design plan can be fund in the Document Library and we will add any relevant documents to this in the coming months if any.

Consultation closedat midnight Sunday 21 April 2024.