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Phase 2 consultation will open in April.
From 12 October to 10 November, we conducted Phase 1 of the consultation, where we invited your feedback on concerns and ideas related to our transport network, traffic and parking within City of Prospect.
We greatly appreciate your valuable input, which has helped shape the vision, themes, strategies and action plans for the ITP currently in development. A summary of the Phase 1 consultation, including the feedback we received, can be found in the document library on this page.
The full engagement report will be available on the Engagement Hub by early April.
Next steps
The proposed vision, themes, strategies and action plans will be presented to Council at the March 25 Council Meeting. If endorsed for public consultation, we will begin gathering further feedback in April and share the proposed action plans with you to seek your support and input.
We will continue to provide updates through this page, Council’s website, Your Prospect eNews, and our social media channels.
Learn more
For more details on the strategy and motivation behind this exciting project, please visit the Integrated Transport Plan project page on Council's website.