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The State Government Greater Regional Adelaide Plan consultation is now closed.
The State Planning Commission has now closed their public consultation on the Greater Regional Adelaide Plan (the Plan), which offered South Australians the opportunity to help shape the long-term planning vision for urban, land and housing development across the state.
All submissions and feedback received during the draft Plan's consultation are now being reviewed and considered for inclusion in the finalised Plan before being provided to the State Planning Commission for endorsement.
A 'What We Heard' Report outlining the themes of feedback received during engagement will be available to read once all submissions are reviewed.
A detailed analysis of all written submissions and survey responses will be incorporated within the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Engagement Report, anticipated for release in early-2025.
If you would like to stay updated on the Regional Planning Program, including Greater Adelaide and all country plans, please register for the Planning Ahead Newsletter.
To view the Plan and supporting material, visit the YourSay website.
The consultation period closed at 5:00 pm on Monday 4 November 2024.
Please note this is a State Government consultation.