Future Living Code Amendment

Project Overview

The State Government is developing the Future Living Code Amendment.

What is the Planning and Design Code?

The Planning and Design Code (the Code) sets out the rules that determine what landowners can do on their land. For instance, if you want to build a house, the Code rules will tell you how high you can build and how far back from the front of your land your house will need to be positioned.

The Code will also tell you if any additional rules apply to the area where your land is located. For example, you might be in a high bushfire risk area or an area with specific rules about protecting native vegetation.

Information about how the Code works is available on the PlanSA portal.

Amending the Planning and Design Code

On 5 October 2021, the State Planning Commission (the Commission) initiated the Future Living Code Amendment (the Code Amendment) which proposes an amendment to the Planning and Design Code.The proposed Code Amendment aims to enable new forms of co-located housing to be developed in established suburbs, which will enhance housing diversity for South Australians and provide more affordable options for different households without impacting the existing character and streetscape of these suburbs.

A copy of the proposed Code Amendment can be downloaded from: plan.sa.gov.au/en/ca/future-living

More information can be found in the document library on this page or atplan.sa.gov.au/en/ca/future-living

Have your say

This Code Amendment was open for public consultation from 15 August to 7 November 2024.

The Commission received more than 260 submissions from community, councils, advocacy groups, industry and state government agencies during the consultation and they are now considering all feedback in finalising the code amendment. For more information:

What changes to the Code Amendment can my feedback influence?

Aspects of the project which stakeholders and the community can influence are:

  • Issues and/or opportunities that should be considered in the preparation of the Code Amendment.
  • The Code’s spatial layers and policy relating to co-located housing, as it applies to land within the Affected Area.

What will happen with my feedback?

The Commission is committed to undertaking engagement in accordance with the principles of the Community Engagement Charter and is genuinely open to considering the issues raised by people in the community.

All formal submissions will be considered by the Commission when determining whether the proposed Code Amendment is suitable and whether any changes should be made.

Each submission has beenentered into a register. All submission will be published on the PlanSA portal when a final decision is made by the Minister for Planning. Personal addresses, email and phone numbers will not be published however company details will be.

The Commission will consider the feedback received in finalising the Code Amendment and will prepare an Engagement Report which will outline what was heard during engagement and how the proposed Code Amendment was changed in response to submissions.

The Engagement Report will be forwarded to the Minister, and then published on the PlanSA portal.

Consultation closed on 7 November 2024.

Please note this is a State Government consultation.

State Government is taking the lead on this project, however our City of Prospect Council has a longstanding reputation as the government sphere closest to the people, thanks to the proximity of our Elected Members with the community.

For that reason, we want to make sure you know about this consultation and we encourage you to share your feedback to inform the final Future Living Code Amendment.

For more information about this project, contact PlanSA on 1800 752 664 or at plansa@sa.gov.au.