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The State Government consultation about increasing metropolitan Adelaide’s tree canopy, cool the city and boost biodiversity, is now closed.
What's being decided?
State Government sought your feedback on the actions of the draft Urban Greening Strategy for metropolitan Adelaide and the potential opportunities for collaboration and implementation.
The strategy identifies priority actions that:
- fill known gaps or scale up what is already working well
- unlock metropolitan-wide benefits
- harness cross-sector collaboration and/or co-investment.
More information can be found on
Consultation closed on 28 June 2024.
Please note this is a State Government consultation.
State Government took the lead on this project, however our City of Prospect Council has a longstanding reputation as the government sphere closest to the people, thanks to the proximity of our Elected Members with the community.
For that reason, we wanted to make sure you knew about this consultation and we encouraged you to share your feedback to inform the final Urban Greening Strategy.
To find out about the consultation summary and read the discussion paper, visit YourSAy website.
The full draft Urban Greening Strategy and other documents can also be found in the Document Library to the right of this page.
For further information, please email